your future with us

your future with us

Innovation in every lesson

We apply modern teaching methods to make your path to knowledge as effective and exciting as possible.

We apply modern teaching methods to make your path to knowledge as effective and exciting as possible.

Partnership - the key to success

Our university has created a unique environment for interaction among students and staff. Everyone has a chance to realize their potential in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.

Our university has created a unique environment for interaction among students and staff. Everyone has a chance to realize their potential in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.

Developing not only the mind but also the body

Our students achieve outstanding sports results, thanks to modern sports complexes and active support for physical development. Choose an active life position with us!

Our students achieve outstanding sports results, thanks to modern sports complexes and active support for physical development. Choose an active life position with us!

Traditions in a new format

Building on years of experience, we are creating a modern history of success. Join a university with deep traditions and a forward-looking perspective.

Building on years of experience, we are creating a modern history of success. Join a university with deep traditions and a forward-looking perspective.

Become part of a big student family

Choose your future

Step 1. What have you finished?

Step 2. What are you interested in?

Step 3.

Our partners

Кузнецкие ферросплавыВодоканалКолмарЕвразГорный инструментРусалСбербанкРЖДКонтур Кузбасс
Кузнецкие ферросплавыВодоканалКолмарЕвразГорный инструментРусалСбербанкРЖДКонтур Кузбасс
МегафонНовая горнаяМечелМТСАльфа банкКузбасс радиоМеждународный аэропорт НовокузнецкРаспадскаяФаза
МегафонНовая горнаяМечелМТСАльфа банкКузбасс радиоМеждународный аэропорт НовокузнецкРаспадскаяФаза
СУЭКЭкоТекСибшахтостройСтрой КузбассSGMKУправление образования администрации города ПрокопьевскаАдминистрация Мысковского город�ского округаАдминистрация Междуреченского городского округаКоИН
СУЭКЭкоТекСибшахтостройСтрой КузбассSGMKУправление образования администрации города ПрокопьевскаАдминистрация Мысковского городского округаАдминистрация Междуреченского городского округаКоИН

SibSIU on the map